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Carefully read all instructions prior to use. Observe all contraindications, warnings and precautions noted in these instructions.

Carefully read all instructions prior to use. Observe all contraindications, warnings and precautions noted in these instructions.

Carefully read all instructions prior to use. Observe all contraindications, warnings and precautions noted in these instructions.

Carefully read all instructions prior to use. Observe all contraindications, warnings and precautions noted in these instructions.

Carefully read all instructions prior to use. Observe all contraindications, warnings and precautions noted in these instructions.

Carefully read all instructions prior to use. Observe all contraindications, warnings and precautions noted in these instructions.

Carefully read all instructions prior to use. Observe all contraindications, warnings and precautions noted in these instructions.

Carefully read all instructions prior to use. Observe all contraindications, warnings and precautions noted in these instructions.

Carefully read all instructions prior to use. Observe all contraindications, warnings and precautions noted in these instructions.

Carefully read all instructions prior to use. Observe all contraindications, warnings and precautions noted in these instructions.

Carefully read all instructions prior to use. Observe all contraindications, warnings and precautions noted in these instructions.

Carefully read all instructions prior to use. Observe all contraindications, warnings and precautions noted in these instructions.

Carefully read all instructions prior to use. Observe all contraindications, warnings and precautions noted in these instructions.

Carefully read all instructions prior to use. Observe all contraindications, warnings and precautions noted in these instructions.

Carefully read all instructions prior to use. Observe all contraindications, warnings and precautions noted in these instructions.

Carefully read all instructions prior to use. Observe all contraindications, warnings and precautions noted in these instructions.

Carefully read all instructions prior to use. Observe all contraindications, warnings and precautions noted in these instructions.

Carefully read all instructions prior to use. Observe all contraindications, warnings and precautions noted in these instructions.

Carefully read all instructions prior to use. Observe all contraindications, warnings and precautions noted in these instructions.

Carefully read all instructions prior to use. Observe all contraindications, warnings and precautions noted in these instructions.

Carefully read all instructions prior to use. Observe all contraindications, warnings and precautions noted in these instructions.

Carefully read all instructions prior to use. Observe all contraindications, warnings and precautions noted in these instructions.

Carefully read all instructions prior to use. Observe all contraindications, warnings and precautions noted in these instructions.

Carefully read all instructions prior to use. Observe all contraindications, warnings and precautions noted in these instructions.

Carefully read all instructions prior to use. Observe all contraindications, warnings and precautions noted in these instructions.

Carefully read all instructions prior to use. Observe all contraindications, warnings and precautions noted in these instructions.

Carefully read all instructions prior to use. Observe all contraindications, warnings and precautions noted in these instructions.

Carefully read all instructions prior to use. Observe all contraindications, warnings and precautions noted in these instructions.

Carefully read all instructions prior to use. Observe all contraindications, warnings and precautions noted in these instructions.
Clinical Evidence

Publication Highlights

Steerable Sheath for Cannulation and Bridging Stenting of Challenging Target Visceral Vessels in Fenestrated and Branched Endografting
Gallitto et al., 2020
Research Articles

Cannulation of Visceral Vessels Using a Steerable Sheath in Fenestrated and Branched Aortic Endografts
Sebastian Kapahnke, Matthias Bürger, Giovanni Federico Torsello, Safwan Omran, Irene Hinterseher, Andreas Greiner, Jan Paul Frese

The “Destino-guided BEVAR” to Catheterize Downward Branches from a Femoral Access: Technical Note and Case Report
Matteo Orrico, Sonia Ronchey, Carlo Setacci, Mario Marino, Alessio Vona, Antonio Lorido, Fabrizio Nesi, Alessia Giaquinta, Nicola Mangialardi

A Steerable Sheath to Deploy Hypogastric Bridging Stent by Contralateral Femoral Approach in an Iliac Branch Procedure after Endovascular Aneurysm Repair
Ciro Ferrer, Luigi Venturini, Raffaele Grande, Katia Raccagni, Luca Ginanni Corradini, Mario Corona, Luca di Marzo

Forced Complete Femoral Approach for Urgent Thoracoabdominal Aneurysm Repair Using an Inner Branched Endograft
Gioele Simonte, Gianluigi Fino, Giacomo Isernia, Gianbattista Parlani, Enrico Cieri, Luigi Baccani, Massimo Lenti
Clinical Compendium

Clinical Analysis of The PowerWire® Pro Radiofrequency Guidewire
Occluded stents

Novel Therapy for Recanalization of Chronic Iliocaval Venous Occlusion Using Radiofrequency
Shapiro et al., 2022

Radiofrequency Wire Recanalization of Chronically Occluded Venous Stents: A Retrospective, Single-Center Experience in 15 Patients
Majdalany et al., 2018

Effectiveness of the PowerWire Radiofrequency Guidewire in Recanalizing Chronically Occluded Iliac Venous Stents
Newton Neidert, Haraldur Bjarnason
Native Vessel

Thoracic Central Venous Occlusion from the Interventional Radiology Perspective
Rashwan et al., 2022

Management of Central Venous Stenosis and Occlusion in Dialysis Patients
Tabriz et al., 2022

Radiofrequency Wire for the Recanalization of Central Vein Occlusions that have Failed Conventional Endovascular Techniques
Guimaraes et al., 2012

Single-Center Retrospective Review of Radiofrequency Wire Recanalization of Refractory Central Venous Occlusions
Keller et al., 2018

Radiofrequency Thermal Wire is a Useful Adjunct to Treat Chronic Central Venous Occlusions
Mark Iafrati, MD, RVT, Stephen Maloney, MD, Neil Halin, DO

Successful Recanalization of a Longstanding Complete Left Subclavian Vein Occlusion by Radiofrequency Perforation with Use of a Radiofrequency Guide Wire
Mark O. Baerlocher, MD, Murray R. Asch, MD, FRCPC, Andy Myers, MD, FRCPC

Recanalization of Systemic Venous Baffles by Radiofrequency Perforation and Stent Implantation
Anita W. Asgar MD, Joaquim Mirò MD, Reda Ibrahim MD

Successful Recanalization of a Longstanding Right Common Iliac Artery Occlusion with a Radiofrequency Guidewire
Tapping C.R. et al., Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol. 2011 Dec 16
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Pulmonary Atresia with Intact Ventricular Septum, a National Comparison Between Interventional and Surgical Approach, in Combination with a Systemic Literature Review.
Manhem, S., et al.

Transcatheter radiofrequency pulmonary valve perforation in newborns with pulmonary atresia/intact ventricular septum: Echocardiographic predictors of biventricular circulation.
Yoldaş, T., et al.

Transcatheter pulmonary valvuloplasty in neonates with pulmonary atresia and intact ventricular septum.
Hascoët, S., et al.

Achieving biventricular circulation in patients with moderate hypoplastic right ventricle in pulmonary atresia intact ventricular septum after transcatheter pulmonary valve perforation.
Chen, R. H. S., et al.

Outcomes of Radiofrequency Perforation for Pulmonary Atresia and Intact Ventricular Septum: A Single-Centre Experience.
Rathgeber, S., et al.

Transcatheter Creation of an Atrial Setpal Defect Using Radiofrequency Perforation.
Henri Justino MD Lee N. Benson MD David G. Nykanen MD

Use of Radiofrequency Perforation for Lead Placement in Biventricular or Conventional Endocardial Pacing after Mustard or Senning Operations for D-Transposition of the Great Arteries.
Santabhanu Chakrabarti MD, Gergely Szantho MD, Mark S Turner PhD MRCP, Graham Stuart FRCP FRCPCH, Robin P Martin FRCP FRCPCH

Transcatheter treatment of acquired coronary sinus ostium atresia in a child with complex congenital heart disease.
Samantha A Kops MD, Suzanna Pangburn RDCS-PE, Brent J Barber MD, Michael D Seckeler MD MSc

Unusual interventional management in an adult with tetralogy of Fallot
Tony Abdel-Massih, Younes Boudjemline and Philipp Bonhoeffer Department of Pediatric Cardiology, Hôpital Necker-Enfants Malades, Paris, France

Radiofrequency Energy-Assisted Wire Atrial Septostomy to Easily Create a Large Atrial Septal Defect.
Masahiro Nishibata MD, Masataka Kitano MD, Seiich Sato MD PhD
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